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What is CBD?

What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a therapeutic compound produced by cannabis. It is commonly extracted and processed into oils, gummies, topicals, and other products that have no doubt sparked your curiosity. And with curiosity comes a load of questions.  These written summaries are here to lend a hand and provide answers to consumers’ most common...

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Cannabidiol (CBD) discovered as highly-effective natural antibiotic “super bug” killer

Cannabidiol (CBD) discovered as highly-effective natural antibiotic “super bug” killer
Cannabidiol (CBD), already being researched and used for anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy and pain, may be the next superbug fighter for resistant infections, a new study suggests.
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I have journeyed not alone.

I have journeyed not alone.

James Pelley, Co-Owner I think of place and time as two real factors of our being, our existence here, our place in history. The generations to come will not care of our feelings and emotions, or what we thought each day. They will look at what purpose we served, what...

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As we face a global pandemic induced by the ever-spreading threat of the coronavirus, both the medical and scientific community have flooded to every reach of the globe to explore possible treatments. Some treatments have been founded in study, while others only championed by anecdotal evidence and hearsay. One such...

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What does “Full-Spectrum” mean, and why is it important for my CBD oil?

What does “Full-Spectrum” mean, and why is it important for my CBD oil?

When shopping for CBD, it’s likely that you will have seen a variety of new terminology. Words like “isolate,” “full-spectrum,” and “broad-spectrum,” are all commonly used marketing terms. If you feel confused, you’re not alone. The phrases above all refer to the number of different cannabinoids and plant materials that...

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