James Pelley, Co-Owner
I think of place and time as two real factors of our being, our existence here, our place in history. The generations to come will not care of our feelings and emotions, or what we thought each day. They will look at what purpose we served, what dreams we pursued, and the success or failures that we survived. Modern life has us jailed into thinking of day to day, how do I pay, its bad news I say, life is so gray. It can be such a bondage to live as such, yet so real, do not let it over shadow your dreams of life, your purpose of goodness, and joy of the heart.
So, time and place seem always on a path of sorts, a road to where?, a journey with whom?. It is not linear as we imagine, but branched, rugged, and circles back at times.
So here I find my own self, pondering life, choices, and events. Our history has been made; more is yet to come. And what joins you and I to this page at this time? CBD, hemp, and its impact on us. My son used CBD for a health crisis he had experienced, but that is his tale to tell. It was obvious to me, even with my bias towards this “hemp stuff”, there were apparent benefits. So, I had to soften my stance and allow myself to learn, understand, and admire the qualities of hemp, and the possibilities for our world. As I was just understanding more about CBD, one of those points in the timeline, and places on earth intersect, Wisconsin's hemp program was to gain huge traction, and we jumped on board. I would have never made a good poker player as I would have been “all in” far too many times. It is just how I approach life, if I thought I could do it myself, I'd try, but have found myself face down in the mud with such tactics. This did seem different though, a project that I could do with my son, not an experience I've had since my own father had passed and our efforts became mine alone. My own father and I worked well together, more like minded I guess, my son and I not so much, but his passion for this product and my belief in him was a launching pad for a whole new life. Of course, neither of us had the foresight of the challenges we would face, and those are stories unto themselves, and in time will be revealed, but headlong we charged like the light brigade, into the unknown, not without hope, and not without our vision, to bring benefits of this plant to the peoples of this world, while sustaining the land we live on for the generations that succeeds us in this mortal life.
We may have had the vision, my son and I, we may have labored, dreamed, and worried, but we were not alone. Family, friends, and neighbors, encouraged, questioned, and were supportive. I am sure that eyes rolled over this and still do, for a person's past results can overshadow success in present time. Any hesitant resistance was done in a loving manner as a protection and concern for a family member. But without doubt I can say that we have delivered on our vision, and our product is now available. What a wonderful feeling, knowing we can help others in struggles they may have. The we I speak of is not my son and I, but all who made this possible. A list would be long of the persons involved and future stories may make that apparent. The amount of phone calls, texts, and emails would fill a memory card. The amount of research, reading and online searches were exhaustive. Advice, information, and experience all came at a price. Now you, the reader of these words, can benefit from our toil, our understanding, and our product. We invite you to join us on this journey, for we did not get here alone, and we will continue on together at this space, in this time.

Father and Son
James and Michael join together in their journey with the goal of “farming for healing”. Their experience together is the continuation of generational farming and land stewardship, practiced by James’ father before him. The time and the effort put forth laid an important groundwork for the future of the land, while helping to foster the passion of sharing their connection with nature to others.
The Roots Run Deep
The process moved quickly with the help of nearly every relative in driving distance. It was an opportunity to bond, carry on traditions, and preserve the deeply held values between family and friends. Of course, we ate well too.

Families Win Together
Great effort went into developing the right relationships and partnerships - between growing, harvesting, processing, lab testing, and manufacturing in order to develop the best product possible. When prototypes were ready for use, it was family and relatives who were the first to see and celebrate our success.
Our Sincere Gratitude.
As we are now able to offer our Full-Spectrum CBD products to the public, the gratitude we feel is profound and the humility we have is sincere.
We’d like to take the time to say thank you. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your enthusiasm. Thank you for your friendship, and your love.
Our Power is you.
James and Michael